If you want to sponsor a student in secondary school you can send your donation to our bank account
Sponsor a student in Secondary School or other Educational Institutions
Children living at the orphanage are able to attend a primary school that is run by the orphanage, but have no opportunity for attaining education beyond Primary 7.Family Spirit do every thing to help those children. And you can help with any doantion. It costs US$ 500 per year to send a child to Secondary School or another educational Institutions as Technical or Nurse school. Secondary school is usually at boarding school in Masindi area. covers 3 terms, starting in February, May and September. Included in that amount is requirements from the school for uniforms, shoes, scholastics and things like draft books, pens and pencils, maths sets, calculator.
Any contribution will help.
Biggest wish: To go to secondary school
Every year in November the students from P7 are taking PLE (Primary Leaving Exams). For 2 days they are examined in Math, English, Social Studies and Physics.
The exams are national and the children from FS are doing averagely good.
They have studied hard during primary school, because they want so much to continue their education.
Help them to break the poverty of their families, and let them continue the optimism of life, that the school and life at Family Spirit has given them.